Mediterranean Information Office

for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development

The Mediterranean NGO Federation

A Network of Networks


MIO-ECSDE facilitates four other networks of major Mediterranean stakeholders who play a key role in addressing the region’s environmental and sustainable development challenges

In the spotlight

In the spotlight


Who we are

We are a non-profit Federation of 133 Mediterranean NGOs for Environment and Sustainable Development

What we do

We act as a technical and political platform for the intervention of NGOs in the Mediterranean scene

Our mission

Our mission is to protect the Natural Environment and Cultural Heritage and promote Sustainable Development in a peaceful Mediterranean

Our story

For more than twenty years we have been catalyzing synergies, joining forces & building bridges in the Euro-Mediterranean area  

Latest News

Call for application for e-learning course on Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas

MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES calls for applications for a 4-week long e-learning course entitled “Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves (BRs) and other designated areas”. The e-course has been built on one of the eight chapters of the UNESCO publication: “Education for Sustainable Development in Biospheres Reserves and other Designated Areas: A Resource Book for Educators in South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean” .

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13th Mediterranean Honorific Award launched

2013 marks the 13th year for the Mediterranean Honorific Award organized by Mediterrània – Centre d’Iniciatives Ecològiques (CIE) and MIO-ECSDE. The Award recognizes and rewards excellence and innovation in projects relating to the environment and sustainable development.

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Featured Publication

Climate Change: The rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean. Sustainable Mediterranean, Issue No 78, 2021.

Featured Publication

Assessing Marine Litter on Mediterranean Beaches. Filing in the knowledge gaps via a participatory-science initiative. MIO-ECSDE, 2019

Featured Publication

Marine Litter in Mediterranean coastal and marine protected areas. A snapshot assessment report on the amounts, composition and sources of marine litter found on beaches. Interreg Med ACT4LITTER & MIO-ECSDE, 2019

Mediterranean Information Office

For more than twenty years joining forces & building bridges in the Euro-Mediterranean area

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