According to a MIO-ECSDE study, SUPs in the Mediterranean coastline account for 38% of all items recorded, ranging from 18.6% to 66.9% for the different beaches, while 30% of the investigated beaches had more than 50% of SUPs of the total items recorded.[1]

The EU[2] foresees the ban of 15 SUPs items as per July 2021, as well as a significant consumption reduction for food containers and beverage cups, promoting the scale-up of reusable alternatives (plastic or non-plastic).

For the rest of the Mediterranean, under the Union for the Mediterranean and the Barcelona Convention, circular economy, minimization of plastics and marine litter are among their priority themes. UNEP/MAP is currently developing specific Regional Guidelines on measures to phase out Single-Use Plastic items in the Mediterranean.

In early 2021 MIO-ECSDE launched a research study on the “Quantitative determination of the consumption of Single-Use Plastic products (SUPs) in hotels and other tourism related units”.

The aim of this research is to quantify the consumption of SUPs in tourism related facilities in both EU countries and Non-EU countries taking into consideration the type, size, seasonality, participation in environmental certification programs and other aspects. The level of awareness of the business on the impacts of SUPs on the coastal and marine environment will also be gauged along with the willingness to receive advice and support from MIO-ECSDE.

From this study an approximation of the use of SUPs is expected to be derived along with a set of proposed solutions and sustainable alternatives that will minimize the cost of the transition. Identification of those SUPs items that, when eliminated, reduced and/or replaced will make the biggest impact, is a key part of the study.

If you are a tourism and recreation-related business (hotels, restaurants, canteens, cafes, snack bars, etc.)  we encourage you to participate in the effort here:

Why respond to this survey?

  • Help us understand what might be inhibiting your transition.
  • Be part of a Mediterranean-wide effort to monitor the Single-Use Plastics reduction.
  • Protect your natural capital; preserve the environment that attracts your clients.
  • Clients will reward your effort: public awareness on plastic pollution and particularly SUPs is growing and it affects the choices of visitors.
  • Help us advocate on your behalf.

[1] Vlachogianni, Th, Skocir, M., Constantin, P., Labbe, C., Orthodoxou, D., Pesmatzoglou, I., Scannella, D., Spika, M., Zissimopoulos, V., Scoullos, M., 2019. Plastic Pollution on the Mediterranean Coastline: Generating Fit-For-Purpose Data to Support Decision-Making via a Participatory-Science Initiative. Science of the Total Environment, p. 13505

[2] The Single-Use Plastics Directive (Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment) entered into force on 2 July 2019. The Directive aims to tackle pollution from single-use plastics (and fishing gear), as the items most commonly found on European beaches and seas. It urges a transition away from single-use plastics, towards reusable products and systems addressing single-use plastic items through a range of policy measures. These measures include market restrictions, consumption reduction, design, collection and labelling requirements and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes, depending on the type of item and on already available alternatives. The Directive applies to single-use items made of plastic, including bio-based and biodegradable plastics, in other words, regardless of whether they are derived from biomass or are intended to biodegrade over time.

Read in French here