Who we are
We are a non-profit Federation of 136 Mediterranean NGOs for Environment and Sustainable Development
What we do
We act as a technical and political platform for the intervention of NGOs in the Mediterranean scene
Our mission
Our mission is to protect the Natural Environment and Cultural Heritage and promote Sustainable Development in a peaceful Mediterranean
Our story
For more than twenty years we have been catalyzing synergies, joining forces & building bridges in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Latest News
Tunisian civil society voiced its demands to COP 27
As COP 27 approached, representatives from 22 Tunisian NGOs and CSOs active in the field of environment and sustainable development, gathered on the 22nd of October 2022 at a national conference entitled “Tunisian civil society advocates for COP27” organized under the...
SOS-ZEROPOL2030 kicks off with MIO-ECSDE as partner towards Achieving Zero Pollution in European Seas
Marine contamination occurs as a direct result of human activities taking place on land and at sea and requires our urgent attention as healthy and clean seas are critical for our survival and wellbeing. The implementation of processes and measures to reduce marine...
MIO-ECSDE kick-starts a community-based research project on marine litter in the Asterousia Biosphere Reserve, Crete
The Asterousia Mountain Range Biosphere Reserve, located in the southernmost area of Europe with a long coast and wide marine zone in the Southern Cretan / Libyan Sea, is characterized by an exceptional wealth of habitats and species. Just as other biosphere reserves...
Recent Projects

Featured Publication
Climate Change: The rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean. Sustainable Mediterranean, Issue No 78, 2021.
Featured Publication
Assessing Marine Litter on Mediterranean Beaches. Filing in the knowledge gaps via a participatory-science initiative. MIO-ECSDE, 2019
Featured Publication
Marine Litter in Mediterranean coastal and marine protected areas. A snapshot assessment report on the amounts, composition and sources of marine litter found on beaches. Interreg Med ACT4LITTER & MIO-ECSDE, 2019