10th Mediterranean Honorific Award

Mediterrània CIE and MIO-ECSDE are calling for candidates to be considered for the 10th MEDITERRANEAN HONORIFIC AWARD, addressed to innovative projects relating to conservation of natural areas, promoting biological diversity.

Clean up the Med 2010

MIO-ECarticle_thumb_145_LX2UPHBK68N3DSDE is pleased to invite you to join the Clean Up the Med 2010 Campaign to once again reinforce a common commitment to safeguard the Mediterranean environment. The 2009 campaign was a great success with a hit a record of over 400 participating bodies that mobilised more than 100,000 people.

Brief critical review of the COP15 meeting and follow-up

The Chairman of the MIO-ECSDE, Prof. Michael Scoullos, attended the COP 15 in Copenhagen as a member of the European Union (EU) delegation, representing the European Parliament on the Management Board and Executive Bureau of the European Environment Agency (EEA), which has its headquarters in Copenhagen.