by thomaisv | Jun 4, 2016
NGO actions to protect and conserve freshwater ecosystems, MIO-ECSDE, 2016 This publication is a tribute to the extent and diversity concrete NGO actions in promoting integrated water resources management and freshwater biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean....
by thomaisv | Mar 23, 2016
Regional survey on abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear & ghost nets in the Mediterranean Sea, UNEP/MAP & MAP partner MIO-ECSDE, 2015. Within the framework of an agreement between UNEP/MAP and MAP Partner MIO-ECSDE, the latter undertook the task of...
by thomaisv | Nov 4, 2015
A handbook on the Public Participation Process in the Mediterranean. Roniotes A, Malotidi V, Virtanen H, Vlachogianni Th, MIO-ECSDE, 2015 This publication has been developed to complement the e-learning course on the Public Participation Process in the Mediterranean...
by thomaisv | Sep 18, 2015
The natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin: inspiring our collective actions, MIO-ECSDE, 2015 Located in the south–western Balkans and connecting five riparian countries (Albania, Greece, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro), the Drin River Basin is...
by thomaisv | Jul 23, 2015
The MARLISCO Guide for Reducing Marine Litter: Get Inspired and Become Innovative Through Best Practices, This Guide has been developed by ISOTECH Ltd Environmental Research and Consultancy within the MARLISCO ‘MARine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and...