
Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures (2010)

MIO-ECSDE ranked fourth place in the final election round for the Fifth Edition of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures and will be awarded an Honourable Mention for its highly-esteemed work on intercultural dialogue and ecological sustainability.

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Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative

The Greek Government in recognition of the serious threats climate change poses to the region’s stability and prosperity has launched the Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative in collaboration with leaders from across the Mediterranean and with the support of the European Investment Bank.

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Nature Trust concerned on offshore drilling close to Malta

Nature Trust (Malta) would like to voice its strong concern over news that BP plans to start off shore drilling off the coast of Libya. Off shore drilling has lately been the cause of a major ecological disaster in the world. The disaster happened in the Atlantic Ocean

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Youth X Change in the Mediterranean: the Tunisian events, 29-30 July 2010, Kelibia, Tunisia. A project to challenge our consumption behaviors and inspire responsible consumer choices.

More than 250 young activists came together from 29 to 30 July in the Tunisian city of Kelibia in order to promote sustainable consumption in the Euro-Mediterranean region.The two-day event, took place in the general framework of UNESCO/UNEP’s initiative “Youth X Change” and targeted a mixed audience of youth, trainers, teachers, as well as media and local authorities.

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