
Spotlight on the Mediterranean Cooperation as an instrument to ensure peace, stability and growth in the region

The Cyprus Presidency of the EU Council will spot light on the Mediterranean Cooperation as an instrument to ensure peace, stability and growth in the region. Together with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme MED and the Neighborhood Cross-border Cooperation Programme in the Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI MED, the Cyprus Presidency will organize the first joint conference of these two cooperation programmes in Cyprus on October 24th and 25th 2012.

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RIO+20: Mediterraneans reaffirm their commitment to work together for Sustainable Development

At a moment of acute and persisting political, economic and social challenges in the Mediterranean, governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders gathered in Rio, on the invitation of the MIO-ECSDE and other major key actors, to demonstrate their commitment to overcome the difficulties and work in solidarity for green growth within a sustainable development of the region.

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12th Mediterranean Honorific Award

Every June, for the past 12 years, Mediterrània – Centre d’Iniciatives Ecològiques (CIE) and MIO-ECSDE have been awarding organizations working for the improvement and protection of the Mediterranean environment with the MEDITERRANEAN HONORIFIC AWARD, as recognition of its exceptional achievements.

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