Unique transboundary Spring School carried out in the Drin River Basin
A first of its kind transboundary Spring School took place in southwest Balkans within the framework of the Act4Drin entitled ‘The natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin: from field observations and knowledge to collective actions towards protecting...
Drin Day 2016 celebrations in full swing!
Today, May the 5th is a day dedicate to the Drin! This is the 3rd edition of an annual initiative dedicated to raising public awareness of local communities and the wider public about the natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin. Wide-ranging celebrations are...
Marine Litter Watch: Citizens in action to track marine litter
The European Environment Agency, over 20 NGOs, among which MIO-ECSDE, and research institutes have joined forces to launch the first ever Marine Litter Watch Month, expected to take place on more than 75 of Europe’s most beautiful beaches from 17 September to 16...
European Organizations Issue Declaration on Waste Containing Nanomaterials
Manufactured nanomaterials are applied in rapidly growing amounts of every-day products. Their physical and chemical properties make them an attractive choice in product development, bringing the possibility of both functional and economic advantages. Yet, there are...
Civil Society and the Barcelona Convention: 40 years of mutual support
The deliberations of the 19th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP19) hosted by the Hellenic Government were held successfully from 9-12 February 2016 in Athens, Greece. More than 150 delegates from 21 Mediterranean countries and the...
A bit closer to a Marine Litter free Mediterranean
Major initiatives aiming to tackle marine litter in the Mediterranean and how these initiatives are contributing to the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean was the focus of a Barcelona Convention COP19 side event...