MIO-ECSDE signs on to a manifesto calling for a moratorium on offshore drilling
A moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploitation and exploration by 2035 is at the heart of the “Toward an EU offshore drilling ban” Manifesto co-signed by MIO-ECSDE and 21 other European NGOs. In view of the upcoming revision of the Offshore Safety Directive...
Plastic Busters MPAs and MIO-ECSDE kick off marine litter prevention and mitigation demos
Marine litter prevention and mitigation actions lie at the heart of the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project. Working for and from the perspective of an MPA manager, Plastic Busters MPAs seeks to offer concrete solutions to prevent and mitigate the impacts of...
Moving forward on EU measures to ensure a circular design of fishing gear for the reduction of environmental impacts
Abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) is a significant and very persistent form of marine litter, recognized as one of the major pollution problems damaging the marine and coastal environment worldwide. Indicatively, fisheries and aquaculture related items...
Environmental NGOs launch new rescue plan for Europe to make our ocean healthy by 2030
In response to the unrelenting deterioration of the marine ecosystems around the world, 102 environmental NGOs, among which MIO-ECSDE, launch a new rescue plan for Europe to make our ocean healthy by 2030. The ‘Blue Manifesto’ -an initiative led by Seas At Risk,...
The science we need for the ocean we want
At the very beginning of what we can define a “super-year” for the oceans, in the words of Gaetano Leone, the UNEP/MAP Secretariat Coordinator, the global ocean community was reunited from January 21 to 23, 2020 in Venice, for the second time in less than a year, to...
MPA ENGAGE set to tackle Climate Change in the Mediterranean Sea!
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the worst-affected areas by climate change in the world since warming occurs at a rate 20% faster than the world’s average. Marine Protected Areas, despite the nature-based solution they offer to support efforts towards climate change...