Our Members' news

APNEK’s collaboration with the University of Kairouan

APNEK’s collaboration with the University of Kairouan

APNEK, a MIO-ECSDE member organization from Tunisia, and its group of young APNEK Leaders, teamed up with the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSHK) of the University of Kairouan and organized back-to-back events during the second week of May 2023. On 13 May,...

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Tunisian civil society voiced its demands to COP 27

Tunisian civil society voiced its demands to COP 27

As COP 27 approached, representatives from 22 Tunisian NGOs and CSOs active in the field of environment and sustainable development, gathered on the 22nd of October 2022 at a national conference entitled “Tunisian civil society advocates for COP27” organized under the...

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