ENVI vote in favour of a precautionary approach in relation to nanomaterials in food

At the second reading vote (with 42 votes in favor, 2 against and 3 abstentions) on the amendments to the Council’s position on the Regulation on Novel Foods that took place on the 4th of May 2010, the Environment Committee MEPs reaffirmed their determination to ensure that certain safety and labeling requirements are in place for authorizing food produced with the aid of nanotechnologies.

MIO-ECSDE’s participation at the First Meeting of Technical Experts on the Ecosystem Approach by UNEP/MAP, Rome, 8-9 April 2010.

MIO-ECSDE represented by Ms. Thomais Vlachogianni participated at the First Meeting of Technical Experts on the Ecosystem Approach, held on 8-9 April 2010 at ISPRA premises in Rome, Italy. The main objective of the meeting was to take stock of the assessments being prepared by UNEP/MAP with the support of national and regional experts

Postponement of the Ministerial Meeting on Environment!

The Co-Presidencies and the host country inform that due to the disruption in air traffic in northern and central Europe caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland, it has been decided to postpone the Ministerial Meeting on Environment that was scheduled for 21/22 April 2010 in Dubrovnik.