
Residential Training Workshop on“Universities & ESD”

The Residential Training Workshop on “Universities & ESD” was a five-day training course organised by the University of Athens, the MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES Secretariat, the Baltic University Programme (BUP) and the Centre of Environmental Education (CEE) of Amfissa, which took place on 23- 28 May, 2010, in the CEE Amfissa, Greece.

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ENVI vote in favour of a precautionary approach in relation to nanomaterials in food

At the second reading vote (with 42 votes in favor, 2 against and 3 abstentions) on the amendments to the Council’s position on the Regulation on Novel Foods that took place on the 4th of May 2010, the Environment Committee MEPs reaffirmed their determination to ensure that certain safety and labeling requirements are in place for authorizing food produced with the aid of nanotechnologies.

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