Call for application for e-learning course on Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas
MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES calls for applications for a 4-week long e-learning course entitled “Management of MAB Biosphere Reserves (BRs) and other designated areas”. The e-course has been built on one of the eight chapters of the UNESCO publication: “Education for Sustainable Development in Biospheres Reserves and other Designated Areas: A Resource Book for Educators in South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean” .
13th Mediterranean Honorific Award launched
2013 marks the 13th year for the Mediterranean Honorific Award organized by Mediterrània – Centre d’Iniciatives Ecològiques (CIE) and MIO-ECSDE. The Award recognizes and rewards excellence and innovation in projects relating to the environment and sustainable development.
MIO-ECSDE’s good practices in transboundary water dialogues exemplified during high level meetings in Rome, 26-30 November 2012
MIO-ECSDE was highlighted as an exemplary regional network for its successful experiences in transboundary water dialogues at the sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention of the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), which took place in Rome
MIO-ECSDE officially participates with Observer status in the Drin Expert Groups
The Drin Core Group (DCG) met once again as the official body for the coordination of the actions of the Parties involved in the implementation of the MoU. It was organized with the support and collaboration of UNECE, and GWP-Med and took place in Tirana on 20 November 2012.
The Board of COMPSUD was elected in Athens for the next two years
At the 9th Annual Meeting of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (COMPSUD), held in Athens, Greece on 23 October 2012, a new board was elected to serve the Circle for the next two years.
More than half of the EU Member States fall short of MSFD implementation
European Commission scorecards published today reveal that more than half of the EU Member States fail to achieve a key milestone in the implementation of the Marine Framework Strategy Directive.