
MIO-ECSDE at the DeFishGear summer school on marine litter

The DeFishGear partner, the University of Nova Gorica, which this year celebrated its 20th anniversary, organised the International DeFishGear Summer School entitled “The growing threat of marine litter: from marine observations and knowledge to concrete actions...

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MIO-ECSDE on the Steering Committee of the MCSD for the next biennium

At the 16th Meeting of the Mediterranean Commission of Sustainable Development that was hosted by the Moroccan Government in collaboration with the Secretariat to Barcelona Convention/Mediterranean Action Plan and Plan Bleu in Marrakech (9-11 June 2015), MIO-ECSDE was elected on its Steering Committee as Rapporteur for the next 2 years, representing the NGO members of the Commission.

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Join the rest of Mediterranean Youth in defining a sustainable future!

If you are a young person aged 15-35 years from anywhere in the Mediterranean region, please take part in this survey! MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES invites you to share your thoughts about sustainability issues (environmental, social and economic), the current economic and sociopolitical crisis in the Mediterranean region as well as your vision for the future.

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MIO-ECSDE at the MICRO2015

Within the framework of the DeFishGear project, the MICRO2015 seminar was organized on 4-6 May 2015, at the Marine Biology Station, Piran, Slovenia. The event attracted 82 participants from 10 countries. Six renown scientists, Francois GALGANI, Gijsbert TWEEHUYSEN, Christian LAFORSCH, Hrissi KARAPANAGIOTI, Maria Christina FOSSI and MIO-ECSDE Programme Officer Thomais VLACHOGIANNI, contributed invited talks.

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Making a market for marine litter a European opportunity for blue growth

The Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) and the ECNC Group together with MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles), Aquafil and Nofir held an workshop at the European Maritime Day 2015 entitled “Innovative business models for marine litter in Europe”.

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