by Danai Amplianiti | Nov 24, 2021 | News
‘’Since the COVID-19 crisis has turned the spotlight on air quality and odour pollution, now it is the moment to discuss odour control management across the EU’’. With this statement, hosting Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Maria Spyraki, Co-chair of the...
by Danai Amplianiti | Nov 19, 2021 | News
The European Commission has initiated the New European Bauhaus (NEB) movement, to create a bridge at the crossroad between art, culture, social inclusion, science, and technology. The NEB is the soul of the European Green Deal and translates its goals through a number...
by thomaisv | Nov 1, 2021 | News
It has been almost 4 years since Plastic Busters MPAs started on its journey to address marine litter in Mediterranean MPAs. and the project has achieved a lot: a first-of-its-kind comprehensive diagnostic analysis of the presence and effects of marine litter in...
by Danai Amplianiti | Oct 30, 2021 | News
On the 21st of September 2021, MIO-ECSDE organized a high-level panel discussion on “Climate Change: the rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean” providing an opportunity for 14 key Mediterranean actors, to voice clear messages on how the Mediterranean...
by Danai Amplianiti | Oct 9, 2021 | News
Member of the European Parliament (EP), Maria Spyraki, Co-chair of the EP Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’ is hosting a web conference on “Revisiting Odour Pollution in Europe” on October 28th. This European Parliament...
by thomaisv | Oct 6, 2021 | News
Just a few weeks ahead of COP 26 and at the start of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, on October 4th 2021, the much anticipated 2nd UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action took place in a hybrid format in Cairo, hosted by Egypt, under the...