by Vaso Sgourdou | Nov 3, 2020 | News in French
Dans son effort continu pour promouvoir les contributions de la science participative, MIO-ECSDE a récemment signé la déclaration “Notre monde – nos objectifs : la science citoyenne pour les objectifs de développement durable”, une sorte de contrat...
by Vaso Sgourdou | Nov 3, 2020 | News
In its continuous effort to promote participatory science interventions, MIO-ECSDE recently signed on to the Declaration “Our world – our goals: citizen science for the Sustainable Development Goals”, a kind of social contract between citizen scientists,...
by Vaso Sgourdou | Nov 2, 2020 | News in French
Les pressions environnementales et écologiques sur le littoral de Tarragone s’aggravent selon la Fondation Mare Terra Mediterrània, une organisation membre de MIO-ECSDE. Angel Juarez, le président de l’organisation, dans son article “La Costa...
by Vaso Sgourdou | Nov 2, 2020 | Our Members' news
The environmental and ecological pressures on the Tarragona coastline are getting worse according to Mare Terra Fundació Mediterrània, a MIO-ECSDE member organization. Angel Juarez, the President of the organization, in his article “The Costa Daurada, a sea of...
by Vaso Sgourdou | Oct 15, 2020 | News
The MPA Engage project has launched the first edition of ‘4 Pictures 4 Mediterranean’, a photo competition hosted by Instagram that aims to bring to light the human impacts on the fragile marine ecosystems and the stories of managers and citizens involved in...