e-Course on marine litter big success!
MEdIES/MIO-ECSDE completed an e-Course based on the English version of the MARLISCO educational material entitled Know, Feel, Act! to Stop Marine Litter: Lesson Plans and activities for middle level students.
MIO-ECSDE preparations underway for the 7th World Water Forum
The 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum took place in Murcia (Spain) from 24 to 26 November 2014. It was part of the preparatory process for the upcoming 7th World Water Forum (WWF7 – Korea, April 2015). Its discussions and outcomes will feed in the themes and orientations of the 7th World Water Forum.
DeFishGear launches coordinated marine litter monitoring surveys in the Adriatic Sea
One year after taking up the challenge to address the need (read more here) for accurate, coherent and comparable scientific data on marine litter in the Adriatic region to support effective decision making, the DeFishGear project has successfully launched coordinated marine litter monitoring surveys in the seven countries of the Adriatic Sea, namely Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Greece, Slovenia.
MIO-ECSDE launches beach litter surveys in Thesprotia, Greece
Within the framework of the IPA Adriatic funded DeFishGear project, MIO-ECSDE launched beach litter surveys in Thesprotia, Greece, 10-14 November 2014. Based on the beach monitoring methodology (read more here) prepared by MIO-ECSDE in collaboration with other DeFishGear partners, six sites were selected taking into consideration their location and other features related to morphology, accessibility, etc.
The Mediterranean is prominent in the Final Report of the UN Decade of ESD (2005-2014)
The Final Report of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) entitled “Shaping the Future We Want” prominently refers to the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD as a success on a global scale! The Strategy was endorsed in May 2014 by the UfM Ministers in charge of Environment and Climate Change.
BlueGreen Med-CS is labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean
MIO-ECSDE is a partner in the project proposal “BlueGreen Med-CS” which is in the process of securing the funds to be launched. It was labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean earlier in 2014. Through a capacity building programme and a small grants scheme, the project will enable NGOs to acquire skills in various areas of sustainable development.