Strengthening participatory coastal management for the reduction of marine litter in Morocco
MIO-ECSDE, as consortium member of the EU-funded SWIM-Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism, together with the Moroccan Authorities organized a very successful training on how to properly monitor Marine Litter, on 19-20 October 2017 in Tangier, Morocco, following a similar...
MPA managers and marine litter experts actively involved in the ACT4LITTER!
ACT4LITTER brought together some 35 MPA managers and marine litter experts in the first meeting of the associated partners, held in Barcelona on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2017. This was a great opportunity for the ACT4LITTER operational partners to introduce the...
Monitoring and assessment of marine litter in the Egyptian Mediterranean coastline
Some 30 professionals where successfully trained on how to properly monitor marine litter at a workshop organized by MIO-ECSDE and RAED, as consortium members of the EU-funded SWIM-Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism, together with the Egyptian Authorities, on 19-20...
What are Man and Biosphere Reserves all about? Trainees find out in Sardinia
Biosphere Reserves are so much more than just protected areas. They are special places designed to demonstrate a balanced relationship between people and nature. Twenty six post-graduate students, young scientists and officers of Biosphere Reserves from Europe –mainly...
Environmental NGOs join forces for a Mediterranean free from plastic pollution
Over twenty environmental NGOs, among which MIO-ECSDE joined forces to launch the Break Free From Plastic Movement in the Mediterranean. At their first meeting in Barcelona in June 2017, they agreed on a manifesto calling for systemic change along the entire plastic...
MIO-ECSDE follows MCSD progress
The Members of the Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development (MCSD) met on 4 to 6 July 2017 in Athens mainly to discuss the progress of the implementation of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 (MSSD) a strategic guiding...