Join the Summer edition of the ACT4LITTER Marine Litter Watch Month to assess marine litter in Med coastal and marine protected areas
Are you a manager of a coastal and marine protected area or a marine litter practitioner? Are you interested in filling in the ‘data gaps’ that hamper an effective implementation of essential measures to address the growing threat of marine litter in Med coastal and...
Climate Change in the Mediterranean: following UfM progress
MIO-ECSDE participated in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Climate Change Expert Group (CCEG) meeting that took place in Barcelona on 23-25 April 2018, represented by Jeremie Fosse, president of eco union and MIO-ECSDE board member. Discussions focused on several...
Being Accountable matters to MIO-ECSDE
MIO-ECSDE attended the Annual General Meeting of Accountable Now on 4 May, 2018. Accountable Now is a global platform that supports international civil society organizations to be transparent, responsive to stakeholders and focused on delivering impact. It provides a...
Re-engaging with our members: make sure you react to the MIO-ECSDE survey!
All MIO-ECSDE members have received an e-survey with the aim to: get to know what each member is working on these days understand what their key challenges and constraints are and what type of support they need from MIO-ECSDE The overall aim of this exercise is to...
Consolidating the fight against marine litter in coastal and pelagic Mediterranean MPAs, new project kicks off
Marine litter has been acknowledged as a major threat in many Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) hampering the achievement of their conservation goals. The impacts of marine litter on marine biota dwelling in Mediterranean MPAs -including endangered species...
Summer University 2018 on Biosphere Reserves: register now!
Are you an officer at a management body of a Biosphere Reserve and/or other designated areas or are you an officer at a private/public organisation working on sustainable development, management, or ESD. Are you an junior researcher on Biosphere Reserves and protected areas management?