Plastic Busters MPAs actions to combat marine litter featured at an info day held in Athens
More than 80 representatives from Greece of the academic and research community, international organizations, national and local authorities, management bodies of coastal and marine protected areas, the private sector as well as NGOs, came together at the Plastic...
MIO-ECSDE supports MPs to speed up the transposition of the SUPs Directive
On the 30th of October 2019, MIO-ECSDE joined a meeting at the Greek Parliament aimed to inform MPs on the impacts of plastics and single-use plastics (SUPs) on the marine environment and to advance the discussions towards catalysing Greece’s efforts to implement the...
MIO-ECSDE joins the G20 workshop on marine plastic litter and shares insights on monitoring and assessment issues
On the 8th of October 2019, MIO-ECSDE joined the ‘G20 Workshop on Scientific Knowledge and Innovative Solutions for Marine Plastic Litter’ held in Tokyo and shared its insights on the scientific advances and challenges on marine litter monitoring and assessment...
Join the Marine Litter Watch to track marine litter!
Each year an estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans. That’s the ′equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline in the world′. Are you concerned with the litter building up in our coasts and seas? Then take...
Decisions going forth to Environmental Ministers at COP21
UNEP/MAP Focal Points met in Athens on 10-13 September 2019 to examine measures on curbing pollution, protecting biodiversity and stimulating blue growth in the Mediterranean region. MIO-ECSDE, attended as it does every two years the Focal Points meet, a few months...
MIO-ECSDE joins civil society ocean call asking the G7 leaders to act!
Leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US, comprising the Group of 7 (G7), convened in Biarritz (France) from 24-26 August 2019, under the French presidency, to discuss among other issues climate change, biodiversity and oceans. Specifically,...