MIO-ECSDE’s MedActionDay 2021 comprises 21 actions on Ocean Literacy!
2021 marks the launch of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) aiming to advance ocean science and sustainable use of the ocean. The ambition is to mobilize the scientific community, policy-makers, and society at large in...
MIO-ECSDE organises a high-level online panel discussion on Climate Change: the rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean, September 21st
This past summer has highlighted in grave ways just how urgently comprehensive climate action is needed in the Mediterranean. Heatwaves with record temperatures, wildfires in most countries, floods, and stark climate futures for the region indicated by the very recent...
MIO-ECSDE’S position on the revision of the EU Waste Water Treatment Directive
When the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC (UWWTD) was introduced twenty years ago, the majority of the European Mediterranean cities, even of economically advanced countries, had totally inadequate waste water treatment plants, polluting through their...
Climate Change: The rapidly increasing challenge for the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean region is a perfect example of an eco-region where strong, specific warnings related to climate change are loud and clear. A fact surely to be highlighted at all of the relevant forthcoming summits and global conferences such as the 2nd Ministerial...
Lively discussions on tackling climate change in Mediterranean MPAs held at the MPA Engage capitalization conference
On the 18th of June 2021, MIO-ECSDE organized the 1st MPA Engage capitalization event providing an opportunity for stakeholders to connect and share experiences towards a collective and consolidated response to climate change in Mediterranean MPAs. Climate change is...
The Plastic Busters MPAs capitalization event: a stepping stone in consolidating marine litter management efforts in Mediterranean MPAs
Plastic Busters MPAs brought together more than 90 Mediterranean MPA managers and marine litter experts at its 1st capitalization event held online on the 17th of June 2021. The event served as a stepping stone towards a consolidated approach against marine litter in...