MIO-ECSDE (through its member staff Ms. Thomais Vlachogianni) was given a unique opportunity to participate at the Third Training on Aarhus Convention Compliance Mechanism organized by the European ECO Forum in the framework of a three year project targeted to environmental non-governmental organizations.
The training aimed at raising NGO capacity to strategically use Aarhus Convention compliance mechanism and addressed major issues related to the Aarhus Convention compliance mechanism, including Compliance Committee procedures, Committee’s case-law and experience of applicants.
The whole training was very well organized and it is rather unfortunate that this was the very last training of a series that took place within the framework of the 3-year-project. It was certainly an experience that every NGO member should have access too, as this procedure can be used as an effective tool towards the compliance of the countries with the Aarhus Convention, a Convention that incorporates human into environmental law and vice versa and grants the public a series of rights concerning access to information, public participation, participation in the decision-making process and access to justice in environmental matters while acting as a kind of “bridge” between environmental rights and human rights.
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