The Cyprus Presidency of the EU Council will spot light on the Mediterranean Cooperation as an instrument to ensure peace, stability and growth in the region. Together with the European Territorial Cooperation Programme MED and the Neighborhood Cross-border Cooperation Programme in the Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI MED, the Cyprus Presidency will organize the first joint conference of these two cooperation programmes in Cyprus on October 24th and 25th 2012.
This initiative is of particular significance in the context of preparing the future programmes as it marks a further step in policy and institutional relations towards a better coordination of European policies destined for the Mediterranean. Both programmes represent significant financial tools for regional and neighborhood policy development and enrichment of economic, institutional and human resources on both sides of the Mediterranean shores.Important results are being achieved and during this conference the synergies and complementarity between the projects of both programmes will be highlighted opening a debate between policy makers, International Organizations, Mediterranean institutions and civil society. This would lead to sketch possible scenarios of an integrated cooperation in the Mediterranean basin within the framework of the future programming period 2014-2020. The meeting in Cyprus will provide the channels to better seize the existing potential to reach a well-balanced and fair development of territories between all sides of the Mediterranean. This aim is in line with the Cyprus EU Presidency priorities for working “Towards a Better Europe”.
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