MIO-ECSDE is pleased to announce the launch of new video guidelines aimed at enhancing the monitoring of marine litter on the seafloor. The guidelines, available in English, French, and Arabic, provide a step-by-step tutorial on using visual census methods with scuba or snorkelling to monitor marine litter.

These guidelines were developed within the framework of the WES project (Water and Environment Support in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood Region), which sought to contribute to the implementation of an integrated approach to pollution reduction and prevention in the Mediterranean region.

This video tutorial is designed for divers and marine litter practitioners, helping them navigate the process of monitoring marine litter by offering practical guidance on how to select survey sites, determine the best time and frequency for surveys, and conduct thorough visual observations. The tutorial also covers the essential process of classifying the litter items observed.

By watching the video, participants will learn how to generate reliable, comparable data that align with the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Descriptor 10) and the Barcelona Convention Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (Ecological Objective 10).

The tutorial was developed based on key resources, including the Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas (2023) and the Joint List of Litter Categories (2021) developed by the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter, in close collaboration with EU Member States and the Regional Sea Conventions. It also supports the implementation of the UfM’s 2030GreenerMed Agenda.

Dive in and make an impact! Access the video tutorial in English, French, and Arabic.

Read in French here