Recognizing the growing influence that youth possess in addressing the region’s common challenges, “YOU(th) CARE for CHANGE” is a catalyst for transformative change, inspiring a new generation of active, innovative, and resilient young leaders across the Euro-Mediterranean. The project harnesses the power of collaboration and innovation to tackle global challenges by fostering collective empowerment and advocating for regional and global engagement. By employing the intersectional “care” approach to customize participatory mapping, critical thinking tools, peer training and mentoring, young citizens will actively contribute to shaping a more resilient and sustainable future for the Euro-Mediterranean region. The project brings together youth initiatives, groups, CSOs, and educational institutions from 8 EU countries plus 4 from the Balkan and the Mediterranean region, amplifying the impact of their agendas, actions, advocacy and campaigns for change.
MIO-ECSDE will bring into the project its experience working in the Euro-Mediterranean region on advocacy, awareness raising, skills’ building and Education for Sustainable Development, as well as leveraging networking and capitalization.

- Level of completion 15%
The key objectives of Υou(th) Care for Change are to:
- To support youth organisations, groups and local communities in European and Mediterranean territories to engage, co-design and implement care agendas and transformative actions on green transition, SDGs, inclusion, with a multidimensional and intersectional perspective.
- To strengthen gender equity in European and Mediterranean territories by increasing leadership and networking within youth organisations, groups and communities.
Υou(th) Care for Change aims to reach its goal by:
- Mapping and participatory analysis of youth associations and initiatives oriented towards green transition, gender and social equity.
- Capacity building / trainings – on site and on line- for the youth. Participation in the Care Campus/ Peer to peer exchanges.
- Coordination of a series of meetings to build the local You(th) Agendas and co-design the youth pilot actions in line with the priorities of the Agendas.
- Technical coaching and support for the piloting of the youth actions and funding of selected ones (through a call for micro-grants).
- Participatory, gender and community impact assessment of the pilot actions.
- Networking, clustering and capitalization among pilot youth actions and other MED initiatives (microgrants for clustered regional actions)
- Advocacy campaigns by the youth in their territories. Multimedia storytelling for sharing and disseminating the You(th) Care stories
- Intergenerational dialogues (on site and on line) among youth associations and collectives on women’s rights and gender equity.
- International You(th) Care Forum in combination with a Women Youth Med Forum and Campaign on gender equity and social and ecological transition.
- 240 EU-based and 60 non-EU based youth CSO’s active in the priority sectors of active citizenship, groups, innovative communities and networks engaged and more impactful in dealing with global challenges.
- 400 youth (EU countries) and 600 (non-EU countries) youth (more than 50% women) with enhanced skills and supported in applying their pilot actions on green agendas.
- 400 teachers and 8000 students in EU Countries with strengthened climate and SDGs awareness and skills through sustainability and care approach lens.
- 30.000 young volunteers of the engaged youth groups, associations and partners’ networks engaged and aware on SDGs, green transition, social and gender equity. Contributing in the improvement of the EU legislative frameworks in favour of youth’s engagement and priorities.
- Enhancing /promoting of the intergenerational dialogue and cooperation in the participating local territories.
- Creating bridges and opportunities for networking, exchange and advocacy actions between the youth groups from the South and the North of the region through clustered initiatives on identified challenges of common concern.
- 36 national and international media outreached about the youths’ agendas and pilot actions on global challenges.
- Approx. 3.000.000 young people and citizens, in general, outreached by the youth’ advocacy and awareness campaigns.
- COSPE – Italy
- EU DEAR (Development Education Awareness Raising) Programme
- Human Rights Education Youth Network – Belgium
- Media Diversity Institute Global (Network) – Belgium
- GRDR – France
- MIO-ECSDE – Greece
- Giovani Senza Frontiere – Italy
- RIPESS Network EU – Luxembourg
- OJA – Organisation des jeunes africains – Morocco
Affiliated Entities:
- Ekumenická akademie – Czech Republic
- Fekete Sereg Youth Association – Hungary
- Fridays for Future – Italy
- REAS- Spain
Title: You(th) Care for Change: Engaging new generations on innovative, joint and multidimensional actions addressing the Global Challenges
Project duration: December 2023 –April 2027 (40 months)
Project budget: 4,700,000 €