WES contributes to enhancing the capacity of various stakeholders in the Mediterranean region involved in pollution reduction and water management. It builds on the experience gained by the predecessor projects: “Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism” (SWIM-H2020 SM; 2016-2019), Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (CB/MEP; 2009-2014), and “Sustainable Water Integrated Management Support Mechanism (SWIM SM; 2010-2015). It is based on the UfM Environment and Water priorities, the results of the Horizon 2020 Initiative for a Cleaner Mediterranean and supports the objectives of the Barcelona Convention.
MIO-ECSDE is one of the key WES consortium members and will be in charge of the Environment component of the project, continuing its similar successful role under SWIM-H2020 SM.
WES will support Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, [Syria] and Tunisia to implement regional priorities at a national level.
Find more info about WES here

The aim of the project is to contribute to the reduction and prevention of pollution in the Mediterranean region, limit marine litter and support the shift to a sustainable consumption and production model; implement integrated management of water resources and strengthen the efficient use of water in countries highly vulnerable to climate change.
- Contribute to the fight against pollution in the Mediterranean, with a special focus on plastic pollution, by supporting the design and implementation of national regulatory frameworks in the field of pollution reduction, strengthening the implementation of the regional action plans on marine litter management and sustainable consumption and production, and much more.
- Support the water sector in the region by providing technical assistance to national authorities to improve their policy framework on water, giving guidance to implement regional policies and initiatives focusing on efficient use of water. A special attention is to be given to the water, energy, food and ecosystem nexus based on an integrated approach.
- Support to the UfM working groups in the field of environment and water.
WES will apply the following 3 interrelated dimensions:
- Capacity building, using a blended approach of regional trainings, study tours, peer-to peer experience sharing and webinars.
- Technical assistance at national and/or regional context.
- Enhancement of enabling conditions for comprehension, social acceptance, appreciation and utilization of the products/results and creating synergies among relevant actors and stakeholders.
The expected results are:
- The design and implementation of relevant national regulatory frameworks in the field of pollution reduction are improved.
- Efficient use of water in urban and rural areas is strengthened through capacity building and dissemination of means to improve water use.
- Innovative approaches and successful practices in the field of efficient use of water are monitored and disseminated.
- The capacity of the UfM to contribute to the regional dialogue in the fields of water and environment is strengthened through technical support.
- Appropriation of the project results by the stakeholders is reinforced.
- LDK Consultants GLOBAL EEIG (Greece)
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development – MIO – ECSDE (Greece)
- Arab Network for Environment and Development – RAED (Egypt)
- Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management – ACR+ (Belgium)
- CIHEAM – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari – CIHEAM Bari (Italy)
- Gopa Infra GmbH (Germany)
- Ramboll Denmark A/S (Denmark)
- Haskoning DHV Nederland B.V. (Netherlands)
- Agència de Residus de Catalunya –Sustainable Consumption and Production Regional Activity Centre – ARC- SCP/RAC (Spain)
Title: Water and Environment Support mechanism (WES)
Funding instrument: European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI)
Project duration: 48 months (May 2019 to May 2023)
Project budget: € 7.900.000
- Level of completion 100%