“Handbook on methods used in Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development”, Scoullos M, Malotidi V, MIO-ECSDE, Athens, 2004
This handbook aims to provide an ensemble of elements, both theoretical and practical, for the implementation of educational materials Environmental Education (EE) or Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is not exhaustive of all the educational methods and possible ways of their implementation, but it rather aims to introduce educators to the basic ideas relevant to the various methods, and attempts to highlight some noteworthy or “tricky” points concerning their application and outcomes. Therefore it is designed to facilitate educators to plan, in cooperation with their students, their own working methods and programmes. The handbook presents several educational examples based on the MEdIES material “Water in the Mediterranean ”. However, because of its structure, it can be used as a reference guide when implementing any other educational material relevant to EE, or ESD.
The handbook is available on www.medies.net in Arabic, English and French.