The Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership) was a collective effort of leading organizations (regional, international, non governmental, etc.) and countries sharing the Mediterranean Sea towards the protection of the marine and coastal environment of the Mediterranean. The MedPartnership was led by UNEP/MAP and was financially supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and other donors, including the EU and all participating countries.
Within the framework of the project MIO-ECSDE’s activities aimed to strengthen public awareness (with particular emphasis on NGO networks) and support NGO participation in the implementation of the project. More, specifically they aimed to ensuring effective NGO involvement in the project and feeding into and complementing the Communication Strategy. Furthermore, from 2010 to 2012 MIO-ECSDE had been having a leading role in the communication and information dissemination activities of the project, while the last 2 years of the project MIO-ECSDE has been instrumental in the development of major communication outputs (e.g. two e-learning modules).

- Level of completion 100%
The MedPartnership catalyzes action to create an enabling environment for the necessary policy, legal and institutional reforms in the partner countries, as well as investments, to:
- Improve environmental conditions of pollution and biodiversity hotspots and other priority areas under stress;
- Promote the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources through integrated approaches;
- Reduce pollution from land-based sources;
- Enhance the protection of ‘critical’ habitats and species;
- Integrate climate considerations into national marine and coastal planning.
The MedPartnership’s 78 demonstration projects and the promotion and replication of good practices will maximize impact and ensure the sustainability of the project beyond its lifespan.
- Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), including coastal aquifer management.
- Addressing pollution from land based activities, promoting environmentally sound technology and the proper management of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
- Conservation of coastal and marine diversity by developing a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network and applying the ecosystem-based management approach for the sustainable use of fisheries.
Since 2012, the MedPartnership has been further strengthened by a project dedicated to the integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies of the region so as to support countries to implement the ICZM Protocol.
A long term partnership for joint planning and financing in the Mediterranean, facilitating effective and efficient use of resources in addressing countries’ priorities for the protection of the marine and coastal environment. More specifically:
- The improvement of environmental conditions in 15% of Hotspots and sensitive areas of national priority.
- More sustainable use of coastal resources through the use of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and aquifer management.
- The reduction of pollution from land based sources through demonstration and adoption of environmentally sound technology.
- More sustainable use of fisheries resources through the adoption of an ecosystem based approach to fisheries, and improved protection off critical biodiversity through the management of coherent network of Marine Protected Areas.
- The replication and scaling up of investment projects and demonstrations during the 5 year lifespan of the project.
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med)
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE)
- UNEP/MAP Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP-RAC)
- UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP-RAC)
- UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Information and Communication (INFO-RAC)
- UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (SPA-RAC)
- UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO/IHP)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- WWF Mediterranean Programme Office (WWF MedPO)
The Project is being carried out in the following GEF eligible countries:
Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The Palestinian Authority also participates.
The major donors of the project include the following: Global Environment Facility, Mediterranean Trust Fund, European Commission, MAVA Foundation, AECID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, FFEM, Participating countries.
Title: The Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem
Funding: the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other donors, including the EC and all participating countries.
Project duration: August 2009– December 2015
Project budget: 47.488.700 USD