The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas most affected by marine litter worldwide. The impacts of marine on marine biota dwelling in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including endangered species such as cetaceans and sea turtles, remain poorly addressed, however it is clear that prevention and mitigation measures are urgently needed.
The PlasticBusters MPAs is an Interreg Med funded project aiming to contribute to maintaining biodiversity and preserving natural ecosystems in pelagic and coastal MPAs, by defining and implementing a harmonized approach against marine litter. The project entails actions that address the whole management cycle of marine litter, from monitoring and surveillance to prevention and mitigation actions.
MIO-ECSDE is a key partner of the project bringing its longstanding experience in research/policy/advocacy/awareness raising and networking on marine litter issues. MIO-ECSDE is co-leading the communication, the studying and the capitalization components of the project.
Plastic Busters MPAs is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
More info at:

- Level of completion 100%
- Defining and testing harmonized methodologies for marine litter monitoring;
- Identifying marine litter hotspots in MPAs;
- Assessing marine litter impacts on biodiversity dwelling in MPAs;
- Implementing marine litter prevention and mitigation measures;
- Setting up a joint governance scheme for managing marine litter in pelagic and coastal MPAs.
- Quantitative and qualitative diagnosis of the impacts of marine litter in Med MPAs;
- Enhanced protection of biodiversity and ecosystems in pelagic and coastal MPAs;
- Accelerated knowledge transfer to Med MPAs and scaling up of best practices to tackle marine litter.
- ISPRA – Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Scientific Coordinator
- UNIVERSITA’ DI SIENA – Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
- Corsican Agency of Environment
- Regional Government of the Balearic Islands. Department of Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries
- Management Agency of Zakynthos National Marine Park
- Tuscan Archipelago National Park
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development
- Spanish Oceanographic Institute – Balearic Centre Of Oceanography
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research- Institute of Oceanography
- French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea – Department of Oceanography and Dynamics of Ecosystems – Environment Laboratory of the Paca and Corsica Regions
- Catalan Waste Agency – Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Special Secretariat for Water
- Albanian Ministry of Environment – Directorate of Biodiversity and Protected Areas
- Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection of Croatia
- University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Funding instrument: Interreg Mediterranean Programme
Thematic axis: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources
Objective: To maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected areas
Project duration: 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2022 (48 months)
Project budget: 5.055.033 €
Project website: