Marine Litter is globally acknowledged as a major societal challenge of our times due to its significant environmental, economic, social, political and cultural implications. The Mediterranean is one of the most affected seas by marine litter worldwide and it is clear that prevention and mitigation measures are urgently needed.
The Plastic Busters CAP is an ENI CBC MED funded project aiming to facilitate decision-makers and stakeholders in effectively tackling the problem of marine litter by integrating EbM (Ecosystem-Based Management Approach) into ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) planning towards good environmental status. The project entails actions that address the whole management cycle of marine litter, from monitoring and surveillance to prevention and mitigation actions.
MIO-ECSDE is a key partner of the project bringing its longstanding experience in research/policy/advocacy/awareness raising and networking on marine litter issues. MIO-ECSDE is leading the marine litter monitoring and mitigation work package of the project.
Plastic Busters CAP is a 24 month-long project, with a total budget of € 1.1 million and is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020.
More info at:

- Level of completion 100%
Plastic Busters CAP aims to facilitate decision-makers and stakeholders in effectively tackling the problem of marine litter by integrating EbM (Ecosystem-Based Management Approach) into ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) planning towards good environmental status.
The project seeks to consolidate and fully exploit the knowledge obtained by five relevant projects in order to develop tailored-made capitalization actions that will create the enabling conditions for a societal shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns, and a truly circular and green economy. In the long-term, the project will contribute to enhancing ecosystem services via a reduced leakage of marine litter and marine plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases by a wise use and sustainable disposal of plastics.
The backbone of Plastic Busters CAP is the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs; both projects are implemented within the framework of the UfM labelled Plastic Busters initiative that addresses the issue of marine litter and plastic pollution in the entire Mediterranean region. Plastic Busters MPAs implemented pilot marine litter monitoring and mitigation actions in northern Mediterranean countries (Albania, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Spain, Slovenia), while Plastic Busters CAP will replicate such actions in southern Mediterranean countries, namely Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia.
- 4 national hands-on training activities on marine litter monitoring and assessment
- 1 e-course on marine litter monitoring and assessment
- 4 pilot marine litter monitoring and assessment campaigns
- 4 national hands-on training activities on marine litter prevention and mitigation measures
- 1 e-course on marine litter prevention and mitigation measures
- 4 demos showcasing marine litter prevention and mitigation measures
- 1 roadmap on marine litter policy priorities
- 1 coastal cities network for a litter-free Mediterranean
Lead Partner
- UNIVERSITA’ DI SIENA – Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development
- Legambiente Onlus (Italy)
- Higher Council for Scientific Research – Institute of Marine Sciences (Spain)
- El Ramis Society for Local Community Development of Barrany (Egypt)
- National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies – Department of Marine Environment (Tunisia)
- Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (Lebanon)
- University of Jordan – Aqaba Branch Faculty of Basic and Marine Sciences, Department of Marine Biology (Jordan)
Title: Plastic Busters CAP
Funding instrument: ENI CBC MED
Thematic axis: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources
Priority: Integrated coastal zone management
Project duration: 13 November 2021 – 13 October 2023 (24 months)
Project budget: 1.100.000 €
Project website:
For more info: Thomais Vlachogianni, Plastic CAP WP3 Leader,