To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted in July 2023, a revised strategy that includes an enhanced common ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by 2050 and a commitment to ensure the uptake of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030.
Maritime transport contributed in 2018 to 2.9% of global emissions caused by human activities, while in 2021, at the EU level, it contributed to 3 to 4% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions.
The 5-year long METAVASEA “People-Centered Transition for Maritime Decarbonization in the East Mediterranean” project, led by the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) and supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, aims to contribute to the implementing the IMO ambition in the East Mediterranean.
MIO-ECSDE will bring into the project its experience working in the Mediterranean region on the science-policy-society interface, networking, synergy-building, awareness-raising and Education for Sustainable Development, capacity building of wide-ranging stakeholders, and capitalization and transferring.

- Level of completion 5%
The overall objectives of METAVASEA are to:
- Provide a region-specific overview of the state of play with regard to maritime decarbonization
- Identify necessary skills and competencies to support the green/digital transition
- Develop flexible training/ upskilling/ reskilling toolkits for seafarers, port workers, and administrators
- Raise climate awareness of marine communities in the East Mediterranean
METAVASEA aims to reach its goal by:
- Conducting a research study on maritime decarbonization in the East Mediterranean
- Mapping of skills and competencies needed onboard ships and in ports for the transformation of the human capital in parallel with technological advancements
- Strengthening the awareness of marine communities in the East Mediterranean on the urgency to step up the pace for Maritime Decarbonization in the region through joint action and wide synergy
- Dissemination, communication & and outreach activities
- 1,500 seafarers, shipping professionals and port workers trained and upskilled/reskilled
- Better understanding of basic concepts and properties of alternative fuel types and potential hazards
- Enhanced soft skills of seafarers and port workers to deal with adversities of the new decarbonization era
- Greater engagement of ports in maritime decarbonization initiatives and better knowledge of costs and benefits
- Wider insight on shipping and and community readiness for alternative new fuels and maritime decarbonization
- Clearer identification of region-specific opportunities/gaps/obstacles regarding maritime decarbonization in the East Mediterranean
- Reduced risk in decision-making for central/regional/local government, shipping companies & ports
- Increased efficiency of onboard and port operations – reduced accidents
- Enhanced climate awareness among 10,000 schoolchildren, 750 teachers, and 2 million residents in the East Mediterranean.
- Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA) – Greece
- Lloyd’s Register Foundation – United Kingdom
- Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA) – Cyprus
- Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI) – Cyprus
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture & Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) – Greece
- Premium Consulting – Greece
- World Maritime University (WMU) – Sweden
Associate Partners:
- Athina maritime training and development center – Greece
- Hellenic Chamber of Shipping and the Master and Mates Union of Greek Merchant Marine – Greece
- Hellenic Ports Association and the Port Authorities of Elefsis, Heraklion and Thessaloniki – Greece
- International Marine Environment Protection Association (INTERMEPA) – Greece
- KNOWL Social Enterprise – Greece
- Gratia Publications (Naftika Chronika) – Greece
- Oriani Hellas – Greece
- WISTA Hellas – Greece
Title: METAVASEA “People-Centered Transition for Maritime Decarbonization in the East Mediterranean” project
Project duration: October 2023 –September 2028 (59 months)
Project budget: 670,000 €