Improving innovation capacities in our Mediterranean is a necessity to foster the much-needed green-blue transition. It will help us face ongoing and future possible social, economic and environmental crises. Initiatives aiming to strengthen an innovative and sustainable economy are therefore increasingly needed to enhance the capacities of public and private organisations to meet the most pressing challenges of sustainable development, beyond short-term economic growth.
In this context, the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme works to boost a fair transition to a circular economy in the Mediterranean through two governance projects (Thematic Community Project and Institutional Dialogue Project) aiming to develop innovative technical knowledge and ensure these new solutions are transferred into public policies.
MIO-ECSDE will be involved in the transferring, mentoring and twinning activities of the Thematic Community Project of the Mission. Among other tasks, it will be analysing projects related to social innovation and supporting the transferring of results through its extensive network in the whole Mediterranean region.
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- Level of completion 10%
Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission aims at developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities for the uptake of technologies in order to support the transition to a circular economy and consolidate a competitive innovation ecosystem. To that end, the Mission will act as an engaged and structured community that improves collaboration among projects, stakeholders and relevant institutions to find solutions for common and urgent challenges and promote the transfer of novel practices to other actors and territories for their effective integration into policies and strategies.
The goal of the Mission will be achieved through the following set of actions:
- Activation of a Mediterranean Community of Practice as a process of collective knowing and learning among projects through transnational cooperation.
- Establishment of the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub, the Mission’s multisectoral virtual space to connect Mediterranean stakeholders’ and amplify synergies to facilitate the replicability of solutions in the whole Mediterranean region.
- Development of an interactive Catalogue of Actionable Knowledge with selected key projects’ results in the field of sustainable economy.
- Generation of capacity-building and transferring programmes for potential takers, in particular Business Support Organisations, NGOs and public authorities.
- Launching of the Mediterranean Innovation Days, where the Community of Practice and external stakeholders can discuss and work on pre-defined specific common challenges and key strategic priorities to be tackled to foment circularity in the Mediterranean.
- Support the Interreg Euro-MED Academy through the elaboration of different training modules in the field of circular economy.
- Organisation of Transformative Innovation Policy Labs during which the best solutions will be presented to support Mediterranean policymakers in strengthening the implementation of current policies and strategies.
- Fostering joint advocacy activities, developing of common position and policy papers, evidence-based statements and recommendations addressed to targeted institutions.
Jointly the two governance projects of the Mission will contribute to:
- Promoting the exploitation and REUSE of knowledge, experiences, and project results to key stakeholders.
- Facilitating the TRANSFER of results to stakeholders, Programmes and territories and their mainstreaming into local, regional, national, Mediterranean and European policies.
- Increasing COORDINATION between stakeholders from the entire Mediterranean based on shared knowledge, experiences, and results.
Coordinator: BETA Technological Centre (UVIC- UCC, Balmes University Foundation) – Spain
- REVOLVE – Spain
- Dynamic Vision (DVISION) – Greece
- Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) -Belgium
- Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER 21) – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of Siena (UNISI), Department of Physical Science, Earth and Environment – Italy
- Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) – Greece
- Business and Innovation Sea Cluster – Toulon Var Technology (PMM-TVT) – France
- Waste Agency of Catalonia – MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP (ARC) – Spain
- Green Synergy Cluster (GSC) – Bulgaria
Mission Name: Innovative Sustainable Economy
Project category: Thematic Community Project (Governance Project)
Partnership Agreement ID: Euro-MED0100007
Funding: Interreg Euro-MED Programme
Project duration: 01/01/2023-30/09/2029 (81 months)
Project budget: EUR 4,999,826