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The Act4Drin project aims at raising public awareness, enhancing knowledge and empowering NGOs to protect and conserve freshwater ecosystems in the Drin River Basin.
- Carrying out a mapping exercise to identify all local/national NGOs interested in working on issues related to IWRM and freshwater biodiversity conservation in the region, as well as a preliminary assessment of their needs.
- Organizing a capacity building activity targeted to local/national NGOs, tailor- made to their needs with regards to IWRM and freshwater biodiversity conservation actions.
- Developing an inventory of freshwater biodiversity conservation and restoration examples applicable to the region’s specificities to be used as a source of inspiration by local and national NGOs to seek funding opportunities and develop their own projects on the ground.
- Networking meetings with local/national NGOs aiming to effectively involve them in water resources management processes carried out in transboundary settings, such as the implementation of the Shared Vision for the sustainable management of the Drin River Basin and the corresponding Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Drin Riparian countries in 2011.
- Launching an awareness raising campaign promoting the protection and conservation of the Drin River Basin.
- Developing a Drin Travelogue to raise awareness and a sense of ownership of local communities and the wider public for their common natural heritage and to send out a strong message on how local communities play a crucial role in protecting and conserving this biodiversity hotspot.
- Organizing a summer school targeted to youth from Drin riparian countries and utilizing the project demo site as an outdoor ‘laboratory’ to carry out relevant educational activities.
The Lead Partner of the Act4Drin is MIO-ECSDE.
A key partner of the project is Kawka Production (http://www.kawkaproduction.com), a documentary film production company from Slovenia experienced in communicating nature protection concepts, which will substantially strengthen the awareness raising related component of the project by developing and disseminating in close collaboration with MIO-ECSDE a documentary film and short clips, highlighting the unique wealth of biodiversity in the Drin River Basin. The key threats it faces will also be included, alongside a strong message on how local communities can play a crucial role in protecting and conserving their common natural heritage.
In this project, MIO-ECSDE is closely working with the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES, http://www.mes.org.mk), as they are implementing a ‘sister’ project entitled “Water for lakes, bogs, streams and people on Jablanica Mountain”, which aims to demonstrate how NGOs can implement sustainable water resources and biodiversity conservation projects on the ground.
Last but not least, three grassroot organizations, namely EDEN from Albania, GREEN HOME from Montenegro and BIOSFERA from FYR Macedonia are involved in all phases of project implementation, as associate partners, and act as the national ambassadors in promoting the project’s objectives and results in their respective countries.
Title: Living well in harmony with the Drin
Funding source: Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Project Duration: March 2014 – December 2015
Project budget: 200.000 US$
- Level of completion 40%
For more info: Thomais Vlachogianni, Act4Drin Project Leader, vlachogianni@mio-ecsde.org