Deploying the Quintuple Helix Participatory Approach in Mediterranean MPAs for effective decision-making against Climate Change: showcases & essential elements for success. Vlachogianni et al., The Interreg Med MPA Engage Project & MIO-ECSDE, 2022.
This document is a synthesis report of the results, outcomes and lessons learned of the quintuple helix participatory approach implemented in the 7 pilot Mediterranean MPAs with the aim to identify and adopt priority climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. The report features the experiences obtained by deploying the MPA Engage “Guidelines for applying a Quintuple Helix Participatory Approach” and features the essential elements for success for any participatory process plan implemented in Mediterranean MPAs. The collective experience of the pilot MPAs sets the foundations for a joint participatory approach in Mediterranean MPAs to deal with the rapidly increasing challenge of climate change. This approach, along with its strategic elements, is captured in the present document, which aims to assist other MPA managers in the region to put Mediterranean MPAs at the frontline of adaptation and mitigation to climate change.
Read the full-text report here