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Lists of designated areas

The following lists of “designated” sites of international importance are relevant to the UNESCO training Material. Can you find areas from your country / region in one or more of these lists?

Protected Planet is an interactive website that uses ‘Citizen Science’ to Boost Global Interest in Protected Areas. It is a joint project between UNEP-WCMC and IUCN’s World Commission on Pas, launched 2010.

Natura 2000 is the EU ecological network of sites established under the Habitats Directive. Its main purpose is the protection of habitat types, plants and animal species of Community interest. Browse for links to States' Natura 2000 web pages, best practices, etc.

World Network of Bioshere Reserves
The UNESCO MAB Programme proposes an interdisciplinary research agenda and capacity building that target the ecological, social and economic dimensions of biodiversity. Its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (BRs) counts 610 biosphere reserves in 117 countries all over the world (data for 2012)

The Ramsar list
The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance counts 2,065 sites (Dec 2012). The website contains also data on which wetlands have the status of both MAB Biosphere Reserves and Ramsar sites.

The World Heritage List
The World Heritage List is based on the 1972 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The Convention identifies, protects and preserves cultural and natural heritage sites around the world which are considered to be of “outstanding universal value” to humanity