Although environmental exposure...
to nanomaterials may not be a new phenomenon, the rapid development of commercial applications involving the use of a wide variety of manufactured nanomaterials, may result in the introduction of increasing amounts of nanomaterials into the natural environment, while little information is available on their probable harmful effects.
Potential pathways of nanoparticles into the environment (air, soil and aquatic systems) include point sources such as production facilities, landfills or wastewater treatment plants or diffuse sources such as wear and tear from materials containing nanoparticles. Accidental release during production or transport is also possible.[16]
At present, after more than twenty years of dedicated research, relatively little is known about the environmental and human health impacts of nanoparticles. The general hazard and risk patterns of nanomaterials differ from other chemical substances. For nanomaterials the surface area, size, shape, charge, solubility and persistence are predominant factors, much more than their chemical composition per se, determining their fate and impact.
It is complex to determine the environmental exposure of manufactured nanomaterials as there is little information on their actual use in nano-enabled products and their potential to be released. As a consequence environmental risk assessment has to rely on estimations. Studies on environmental transport (and fate) show that nanoparticles can be highly mobile in the environment, but they have a large tendency to aggregate and attach to mineral surfaces.[17]
Once nanoparticles enter the natural environment they might cause adverse effects to biological organisms. Due to their small size and high surface area, coupled with other physico-chemical features, nanomaterials may well have unpredictable toxic and genotoxic properties.[18]
In general, nanoparticles affect organisms through the disruption of membranes and the formation of reactive oxygen species resulting in oxidation of proteins (including enzymes) and interruption of energy transduction. They may also cause DNA damage directly, by passing through cellular membranes if small enough, or indirectly, by promoting oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.[19] While these responses can be clearly shown in in vitro cell culture studies, measurable responses in organisms (primarily fish and daphnia) are less predictable because of dependencies on temperature, physical/chemical properties of the exposure medium, differences in species, chemical composition of the nanoparticles and their properties.[20]
Although information about the toxic or ecotoxic effects of nanoparticles is still limited and fragmented, scientific literature on nanotoxicology is constantly growing, identifying the harmful effects of some engineered nanoparticles in biological organisms. For example, recent studies showed that exogenous nanoparticles, containing zinc and aluminum, exert toxic effects on germination and growth of roots in the seedlings of plants.[21] Other studies demonstrated that tungsten carbide and tungsten carbide cobalt nanoparticles are able to enter the cells of gills of rainbow trout and exert toxic effect.[22],[23] The toxicity of C60 fullerenes and titanium dioxide was witnessed in an aquatic invertebrate, Daphnia magna.[24]
In conclusion, before introducing nanoparticles into the environment or in consumer products, a comprehensive, valid, scientifically sound, quantitative, evidence-based risk assessment is needed in order to conduct risk evaluation and risk management.
How Nanoparticles with potential toxic and ecotoxic effects enter the environment
[16] Nowack B, Bucheli TD. Occurrence, behavior and effects of nanoparticles in the environment. Environmental Pollution, 150: 5-22, 2007.
[17] Klaine SJ, Alvarez PJJ, Batley GE, Fernandes TF, Handy RD, Lyon DY, Mahendra S, McLaughlin MJ, Lead RJ. Nanomaterials in the environment: behavior, fate, bioavailability, and effects, Environ Toxicol Chem, 27: 1825–1851, 2008.
[18] Singh N, Manshian B, Jenkins GJS, Griffiths SM, Williams PM, Maffeis TGG, Wright CJ, Doak SH. NanoGenotoxicology: The DNA damaging potential of engineered nanomaterials. Biomaterials, 30 (23-24): 3891-3914, 2009.
[19] Ju-Nam Y, Lead JR. Manufactured nanoparticles: An overview of their chemistry, interactions and potential environmental implications. Science of The Total Environment, 400 (1-3): 396-414, 2008.
[20] Fairbrother A, Fairbrother JR. Are environmental regulations keeping up with innovation? A case study of the nanotechnology industry. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (5): 1327-1330, 2009.
[21] Doshi R, Braida W, Christodoulatos C, Wazne M, O’Connor G.Nano-aluminum: Transport through sand columns and environmental effects on plants and soil communities. Environmental Research, 106 (3): 296-303, 2008.
[22] Kühnel D, Busch W, Meißner T, Springer A, Potthoff A, Richter V, Gelinsky M, Scholz S, Schirmer K.Agglomeration of tungsten carbide nanoparticles in exposure medium does not prevent uptake and toxicity toward a rainbow trout gill cell line. Aquatic Toxicology, 93 (2-3): 91-99, 2009.
[23] Federici G, Shaw BJ, Handy RD. Toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Gill injury, oxidative stress, and other physiological effects. Aquatic Toxicology, 84 (4): 415-430, 2007.
[24] Baun A, Sorensen SN, Rasmussen RF, Hartmann NB, Koch CB. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of xenobiotic organic compounds in the presence of aqueous suspensions of aggregates of nano-C60. Aquatic Toxicology, 86 (3): 379-387, 2008.
Environmental protection,
promotion of the use of renewable energy resources and securing good water quality supplies are considered to be the most urgent challenges of the present and the near future. Nanotechnologies are regarded as new revolutionary cornerstone technologies of the 21st century which offer enormous potential in providing technological solutions to address many of these problems.
Some of the main application areas for nanotechnologies in environmental technologies are are:[11]
Sustainable energy production, transformation and storage [12],[13]
・Novel hydrogen storage systems
・Dye sensitized solar cells
・Nanocatalysts for hydrogen generation
Water treatment and remediation
・Nanomembranes for water purification, desalination, and detoxification
・Nanosensors for the detection of contaminants and pathogens
・Nanoparticles for water treatment and remediation
・Selective catalytic converters for degradation of water pollutants
Air pollution and remediation [14]
・Nanoparticle-based photocatalytic degradation of air pollutants in self-cleaning systems
・Nanocatalysts for more efficient, cheaper, and better-controlled catalytic converters
・Nanosensors for detection of toxic materials and leaks
・Gas separation nanodevices
Nanotechnologies have certainly built up great expectations for overcoming some of the technological limitations and providing solutions for certain environmental problems. However, at present relatively little is known about the environmental and human health impacts of nanoparticles, though in some cases chemical composition, size and shape have been shown to contribute to toxicological effects.[15] Therefore, it is important to develop appropriate methods in order to assess whether the potential benefits of nanotechnologies outweigh the risks.
Potential benefits of Nanotechnologies
for clean energy, water treatment and air purification.
[11] Uses of Nanotechnology in Environmental Technology in Hessen, Innovation potential for companies. Papre Series 1, Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech. Frauhofer- Institut für Arbeitswirtschaftund Organisation (www.wirtschaft.hessen.de).
[12] Filiponi L, Sutherland D. Applications of nanotechnology: Energy. NanoCap Paper (http://www.nanocap.eu/Flex/Site/Download.aspx?ID=2260).
[13] Serrano E, Rus G, Garcia-Martinez J. Nanotechnology for sustainable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009.
[14] Vaseashta A, Vaclavikovac M, Vaseashtaa S, Gallios G, Roy P, Pummakarnchana O. Nanostructures in environmental pollution detection, monitoring, and remediation. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 8: 47–59, 2007.
[15] Rickerby DG, Morrison M. Nanotechnology and the environment: A European perspective. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 8: 19–24, 2007.
Potential Risks
Potential Benefits