It is well known that since 1973, each year June 5th has been marked as World Environment Day. Initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme 50 years ago, World Environment Day brings attention to different environmental issues and calls for climate action. This year, the theme “Only One Planet” serves as a reminder that as stewards of the planet – our home – humans must take action to protect, conserve and restore the environment. It is no longer possible to ignore that environmental crises, including climate change, are becoming a root cause of many challenges faced by governments and elected officials, economic and social sectors, peoples of all ages.

To commemorate this World Environment Day, the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development was invited by Accountable Now to help put together a cheat sheet on “How to Maintain “Healthy Planet” as a Cross-Cutting Value in CSOs Work”. It provides tips and advice on how organisations and individuals not directly linked to environmental action can take steps to nevertheless be part of the global solution, at a point when challenges are at a point of no return.

Read and download here, the 7 environment and climate-friendly actions that any organisation can embed at varying degrees and different levels depending on their context and willingness to contribute.

Read in French here