In the period of 02.08.2012  to 25.10.2012 , the European Commission launched a public consultation to gather views and comments on the draft Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).

This working document presents a draft of the second European Union Implementation Plan (UIP) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The first European Community Implementation Plan was developed in 2007. The review and update of the first Implementation Plan has become necessary to address:

  1. the inclusion of a number of new POPs into the Stockholm Convention and the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution POP Protocol;
  2. the technical and legislative progress made in the area;
  3. the findings of the Commission Report COM (2010) 514 on the application of the POP Regulation (EC Regulation 850/2004).

MIO-ECSDE welcomed the participatory approach followed by the European Commission on the draft Implementation Plan on POPs and submitted its main views, concerns, and considerations through the online questionnaire.

The new Plan is divided into two parts: Part I – Party Baseline presents the Union’s baseline and includes an overview on key EU legislation related to the implementation of obligations in the mentioned international frameworks; related EU strategies and programmes; financial instruments to support the implementation; research activities and the efforts undertaken by the Union to raise awareness and enhance communication. Part II – Implementation Plan presents the proposed actions to be carried out by the EU to meet its international obligations.

MIO-ECSDE’s comments on the Party Baseline related part of the Plan focus on the need for further elaboration on paras 2.5. Information Exchange, Public information, awareness and 3.4. Information on the state of knowledge on stockpiles and contaminated sites.

As far as the proposed actions are concerned, MIO-ECSDE recomends the refinement of Action 21 related to Public information, awareness and education in order to reflect the need for coordinated information campaigns on
POPs at EU level and intensified efforts towards that direction.

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