MARLISCO_cover_lowMEdIES/MIO-ECSDE completed an e-Course based on the English version of the MARLISCO educational material entitled Know, Feel, Act! to Stop Marine Litter: Lesson Plans and activities for middle level students. It is an online resource ( that will soon be available for download in PDF files in many European languages. This educational material is a joint product of the MARLISCO partnership and has been prepared to inform, sensitise and enable European teachers and students to take action to tackle the issue of litter in our seas and coasts.

Some 100 trainees participated in the e-Course which served as a substitute of a 1.5 day face-to-face seminar. It lasted 12 days (09/01 to 20/01 2015) with an estimated workload of 1-2 hours daily (average total workload 16 hours). It presented an overview of the educational pack and demonstrated effective ways on how it could be incorporated in real life teaching frameworks such as a classroom, a marine park, a natural reserve, etc.

Both trainers and learners jointly formed a learning community that simulated, and in some cases tried out in real working environments, some of the activities of the educational material, tested their validity and appropriateness and also suggested ways to adjust and improve them. The course gave trainees the opportunity to discuss about the obstacles they face in implementing the activities and exchange views on ways to overcome them.